canadian military communications 100th

Canada Special Event Cover #S56 - Canadian Military Communications 100th (2003)



Since the formation of the Canadian Signalling Corps (Militia) on the 24 October 1903, one of the first military organizations of the British Commonwealth fully dedicated to military communications, sacrifices have been made, honours have been proudly earned and Canada and her citizens have been well served.


During the First World War, the Second World War, the Korean War, United Nations and other multinational operations, and humanitarian and disaster relief, Communicators, assisted by their civilian partners have provided vital communications and electronics support. Throughout their history, they performed with distinction, devotion and great pride - often at great personal risk.

The men and women of the military communications community, and their civilian colleagues, have a rich and illustrious history. That tradition is reflected in the motto of the Communications and Electronics Branch of the Canadian Forces: Velox Versutus Vigilans (Swift, Accurate, and Watchful).

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