canada stamp 1174i musk ox 59 1989

Canada Stamp #1174i - Musk Ox (1989) 59¢
Slater Paper (14.4x13.8)

SKU: CAN-1174I
Mint - Very Fine Never Hinged (M-VFNH)
Cv. $15.00
USD $13.50
 In Stock

canada stamp 1174i musk ox 59 1989 PB UL
Plate Block (Upper Left) - VFNH (PB-UL)
Plate blocks with inscriptions of the 59¢ Musk Ox definitive on Slater paper with the original perforations of 14.4x13.8 are extremely rare as the vast majority of sheets were issued with blank corner blocks without inscriptions, a superb item for the advanced plate block collectors!
Cv. $250.00
USD $187.50
 Only 2 in Stock

canada stamp 1174i musk ox 59 1989 PB UR
Plate Block (Upper Right) - VFNH (PB-UR)
Plate blocks with inscriptions of the 59¢ Musk Ox definitive on Slater paper with the original perforations of 14.4x13.8 are extremely rare as most sheets were issued with blank corner blocks without inscriptions, a superb item for the advanced plate block collectors!
Cv. $250.00
USD $187.50
 Only 1 in Stock

Used - Very Fine (U-VF)
USD $2.00
 Out of Stock

canada stamp 1174i musk ox 59 1989 PB LL
Plate Block (Lower Left) - VFNH (PB-LL)
Plate blocks with inscriptions of the 59¢ Musk Ox definitive on Slater paper with the original perforations of 14.4x13.8 are extremely rare as most sheets were issued with blank corner blocks without inscriptions, a superb item for the advanced plate block collectors!
Cv. $250.00
USD $187.50
 Out of Stock

canada stamp 1174i musk ox 59 1989 PB LR
Plate Block (Lower Right) - VFNH (PB-LR)
Plate blocks with inscriptions of the 59¢ Musk Ox definitive on Slater paper with the original perforations of 14.4x13.8 are extremely rare as most sheets were issued with blank corner blocks without inscriptions, a superb item for the advanced plate block collectors!
Cv. $250.00
USD $187.50
 Out of Stock


Musk-Ox, Slater Paper

Country Canada
#Scott 1174i
Issue Overweight Domestic Rate
Name Musk Ox
Face Value 59¢
Date 1989-11-01
Variety Slater Paper (14.4x13.8)
Colour Multicoloured
Perforation 14.4 x 13.8
Paper SP - Slater paper (cream-coloured gum)
Tag GT4 - General Tagging along all edges of stamp
Printer Ashton-Potter Ltd.

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