canada stamp 461 5b centennial definitives high values 2 28 1967

Canada Stamp #461-5B - Centennial Definitives - High Values (1967) $2.28
Set of 7 stamps, DF, DEX

SKU: CAN-0461-5B
Mint - Very Fine Never Hinged (M-VFNH)
Complete set of the seven large high value definitives from the Centennial issue, as they were originally issued on February 8, 1967! Which is on dull fluorescent (DF) paper with dextrine (DEX) gum and without any tagging!

There were so many different varieties of these stamps issued throughout the years that it can be tricky to find all of them in their original version!
Cv. $17.05
USD $13.80
 In Stock

Used - Very Fine (U-VF)
USD $2.20
 In Stock



Country Canada
#Scott 461-5B
Issue Centennial Definitives - High Values
Name Centennial Definitives - High Values
Face Value $2.28
Date 1967-02-08
Variety Set of 7 stamps, DF, DEX
Colour Multicoloured
Perforation 12
Printer Canadian Bank Note Company

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