canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959

Canada Stamp #386 - Queen Elizabeth II (1959) 5¢

SKU: CAN-0386
canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 M PANE BL 014
Full Pane of 50 Without Inscriptions (M-PANE-BL-014)
Was folded in the middle perforations but in excellent condition
USD $22.50
 Out of Stock

Mint - Very Fine Never Hinged (M-VFNH)
USD $0.45
 In Stock

Used - Very Fine (U-VF)
USD $0.20
 In Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB UL %231
Plate Block (Upper Left) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-UL-#1)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.70
 Only 1 in Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB UR %231
Plate Block (Upper Right) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-UR-#1)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.70
 Only 3 in Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB LL %231
Plate Block (Lower Left) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-LL-#1)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.70
 Only 3 in Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB LR %231
Plate Block (Lower Right) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-LR-#1)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.70
 Only 3 in Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB UL %232
Plate Block (Upper Left) - VFNH - Plate #2 (PB-UL-#2)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.70
 Only 2 in Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB UR %232
Plate Block (Upper Right) - VFNH - Plate #2 (PB-UR-#2)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.70
 Only 3 in Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB LL %232
Plate Block (Lower Left) - VFNH - Plate #2 (PB-LL-#2)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.70
 Only 5 in Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 FDC ABC
canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 FDC ABC
canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 FDC ABC
Special Event Cover (Private) - ABC Boy Scouts (FDC-ABC)
A beautiful embossed cover that salutes Queen Elizabeth II giving birth to her son Andrew on February 19, 1960. The letters "ABC" are embossed on the cover and in the blue card inside, which stands for America - Britain - Canada (ABC) boy scouts.

Apparently, it was some sort of special event in which anyone who mailed this letter was given an honorary membership to the ABC. A beautiful nostalgic philatelic item that reminds us that these kinds of promotional events had to be organized by mail (with some stamps) before the age of the internet!
USD $10.00
 Only 3 in Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB SET %231
Plate Block (Matched Set) - VFNH - Plate #1 (PB-SET-#1)
Cv. $12.00
USD $10.75
 Out of Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB SET %232
Plate Block (Matched Set) - VFNH - Plate #2 (PB-SET-#2)
Cv. $12.00
USD $10.75
 Out of Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 PB LR %232
Plate Block (Lower Right) - VFNH - Plate #2 (PB-LR-#2)
Cv. $3.00
USD $2.70
 Out of Stock

canada stamp 386 queen elizabeth ii 5 1959 M PANE BL
Full Pane of 50 with Blank Corners (M-PANE-BL)
USD $22.50
 Out of Stock


Queen Elizabeth II

Country Canada
#Scott 386
Issue Royal Visit
Name Queen Elizabeth II
Face Value
Date 1959-06-18
Colour Dark Carmine
Perforation 12
Printer Canadian Bank Note Company